Selecting Right Use Case for OutSystems : A Guide for IT Leaders

Defining a Successful OutSystems Project

As companies around the world look to get a jump on Low code efforts, there’s one major question:

with dozens of potential Low code use cases but limited resources, how can organizations prioritize the right projects?

The key to leading successful initial OutSystems projects is choosing use cases that:

  1. Have high business value and
  2. Have a high likelihood of success.

Selecting Right Use Case for OutSystems

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Note that this primarily applies to an organization’s first efforts in Low Code, not necessarily all future Low Code projects.


Because not properly quantifying potential Low code use cases with the right questions up front puts executive sponsorship for future endeavors at risk – it is critical to be able to measure expected lift and make an impact in order to instill trust in the initiative and secure support for future initiatives.

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